About Us
Pile High Burgers is a family affair which is owned and operated by James, Laura, and Ray. James and Laura have been married since 2002 and have two young children, Allison and Luke, while Ray is Laura's brother. James has always made food with emphasis on "deliciocity", as he says. James is constantly experimenting with and tweaking new recipes at home, and one day he made a killer hamburger...mostly by accident. It all started in 2012 when James, who has a degree in Physics from the Colorado School of Mines, became unhappy with his office career and emailed Ray, a recent graduate of business school, about opening a restaurant together. The email was mostly a joke, but Ray's instant enthusiasm made James think it might actually happen. After several months of talking and investigating the possibility, Ray moved from Nevada to live with James and Laura while compiling a solid business plan. Once the business plan was in place, James and Ray began seeking funding for their venture only to find that, surprise, nobody wanted to invest in a restaurant due to the high failure rate. James and Ray were crushed. James continued his boring career and Ray moved on with his life and planned to work for the national forest system. James could only stand being an employee for a short while and became increasingly unhappy with his work. Finally, a tiny straw broke James' back and his mid-life crisis began. James spoke with an extremely supportive Laura about self-funding a food truck. Laura loved her life just as it was and hated risk, but had noticed James' lack of happiness, so she gave into the risk of losing the family's steady income to start a business. In 2014 Ray moved back to Colorado and James quit his steady job of 13 years. A few months later, the Pile High Burgers Truck was out and selling our delicious food to the hungry masses...like you! Thanks for taking the time to read our story. Feel free to say "Hi" to one of us the next time you feel like stuffing your face with the maximum flavor allowed by law.